V0.3 Release - Cross-OS and Sandbox mode, and V0.4 (On hold)

V0.3 Release:

New story missions are out, aswell as new exploits and a new module type (auxiliary). Aux modules are used more to gather data remotely from a target than to attack of exfiltrate data.

(Attempted) Linux release. I released my source, so hopefully linux users can run the game natively (the more players to find bugs, the merrier!), I think this should also work for MAC users aswell, so thanks to thePalindrome for giving me a reason to support linux!

Some QOL , realism and patches:

  • Nmap can now subnet scan public routers
  • Handler only accepts valid port numbers (1-65535) - Fixed allowing non-numbers and out of range
  • Adding a handler to a device opens the port
  • Sessions route updated to allow public connections
  • Exploits can now use a session as a proxy/route, allowing closed subnets to be hacked
  • The window name will now change dependant on gamemode, username and commands run, to make the game feel more alive
  • Post exploits now check if they should run for any device before checking os-dependant things (No more HashDump not running)
  • New exploits (FTP) unlock it via the story, or use it in the sandbox mode
Sandbox Mode:

Run world creating commands like /router to get more targets to hack, and abuse /vulnerable to check if you can hack specific devices.

Run any module you want, without having to run through the story.

No story (so you can mess around faster)

Known Bugs:

I am aware that session routes are messed up, I'm working on it!

V0.4 Development:

I'm currently working on another project for a while, so i'm unsure what's going to happen with 0.4, however i plan to fix any bugs found by players and myself, add more story missions and allow users to skip the into dialogue for story and tutorial text!

With all that being said, I hope you enjoy V0.3!

- Jcp2203


Ciphers_GambitV0.3_Windows.zip 4 MB
Jul 03, 2023
Ciphers_GambitV0.3_Linux_Mac.zip 17 kB
Jul 03, 2023

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(2 edits)

A few minor things:

Firstly, you should probably mark the Linux/Mac Build as being for Linux and OSX :P

Secondly, the "requirements" file should end with an empty line, so people like me who "cat" the file can more easily spot the last line

Thirdly, on line 1070, the code for "info" crashes if `None` is set as the usage (which is the case for EternalBlue, ShellShock, and SSHNuke (it seems you use a different type of Usage for things like the "usage" command, that info doesn't use)

fourthly (I'm still trying to triage this), it seems that every time a print is done in response to a command, I get an error from sh about a mismatched quote. It continues executing, but just creates some visual noise, still trying to track down where you'd invoke print or something with mismatched quotes. I can see you do on line 937/938 in the "help" invocation, but I seem to get it with other things, too

Fifth thing: The tutorial seemed to not trigger when I loaded ShellShock, but instead started when I loaded SSHNuke

Six thing: attempting to run "handin" with no args (I was hoping for it to repeat what it wanted me to do) when args are expected causes the game to crash due to not actually having the args :P

I'll get on these right away. I have a few ideas why some of these bugs exist, so it shouldn't take me long to patch them. Do you have anything like discord we could privately speak on? If you could provide screenshots it would be more than appreciated.

Ah, I do! Same name as here: "thePalindrome"

I could also provide some screenshots, although I wonder if this might actually be a python bug, if you're seeing it but not me (so the difference is that python is executing things through sh rather than cmd)

Just fixed everything you said (apart fron the 4th error, as i'm not sure why that's happening) will release a hotfix within the hour.